Monday, July 29, 2013

The Three MOST OVERLOOKED pieces of equipment in a kitchen

Band Saw- There was another world before Box Meats. Depend where you are and your menu you may be able to buy primal cuts or take it a step further and buy sides of beef which you could brake down yourself. POINT- Your overall cost of beef will come down a good 20 %. If you are in a Beef house you can find use for every single cut without using a grinder ( unless you want to ). Not much imagination to figures what it will do to your bottom line.
I don't have a butcher. There is a Chef and Sous Chef isn't it.
I don’t have a butcher room. Sure you do. Every place has one. Is in your walk in. Re-arrange and put a cage in it, a cutting table and a band saw.

Hobart Mixer ( Floor Type )- lots of places have one- everyone just walks around it . You may get tired one day of buying already made mayo and dressings and do your own. Imagine that ! What a novel idea , pardon my sarcasm. There is absolutely nothing that compares to your home made vinaigrette and dressings not to mentioned that bit of spread you put on almost every sandwich. Very little work and anybody can be easily trained. Can't do them all then do the one (s) that will touch the most customers.

Stool- The old fashioned wood kind. Why is this so important ? The perfect height to put right along side your Hobart Mixer when you are making your dressings. Put all your ingredients in. get a can of your favorite oil, put 3 holes in it with an ice pick. Turn the can upside down and put on the stool, turn the mixer on at the right speed and let the right flow of oil flow in.

What's the point of all this ? You figure it out

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